※This is a machine-translated text of the original article.

SUUMO, a real estate and housing information site planned and operated by Recruit Sumai Company Ltd, announced that it would begin driving “SUUMO Taxi” that would allow passengers to ride at a user fee of ¥0 for a limited period of two weeks.

SUUMO taxis can be identified by its original character logo.

It can be used free of charge only within 23 wards of Tokyo. The taxi can also be called to a designated location if it is within 23 wards by applying for the dispatch of cars using the taxi dispatch app “DiDi”.

The operation period is two weeks from Feb. 14 (Friday) to Feb. 27 (Thursday).
It is said that three cars will be in operation during the period.

Original Text: https://ampmedia.jp/2020/02/14/suumotaxi/