*This is a machine-translated text of the original article.
Microsoft Corp announced plans to remove more CO2 and become carbon-negative by 2030.
In addition, the company said it would completely eliminate by 2050 the environmental impacts of CO2, which has been emitted directly and indirectly through power dissipation since its founding in 1975.
In 2012, Microsoft announced its goal of reducing CO2 emissions by less than half by 2030, including direct emissions and emissions related to the supply and value chains.
The company has secured some of the funding for the program by expanding the scope of its internal carbon charges, which increased in the previous year, not only to direct emissions by itself, but also to emissions across the supply and value chains.
Microsoft’s technology has also begun to help users reduce their carbon footprints.
A $1 billion climate-innovation fund will be established to support global development of CO2 reduction, capture, and removal technologies.
In addition, from next year the company announced that reducing CO2 emissions will be a key consideration in the procurement processes of the supply chain.
The company said it will fully shift to renewable energy by 2025.
The status of these efforts will be announced annually in Environmental Sustainability Report, which gives an account of Microsoft’s efforts to assess and reduce its CO2 impact.
Original Text: https://ampmedia.jp/2020/01/27/microsoft-7/