*This is a machine-translated text of the original article.
NTT TechnoCross Corporation (NTT-TX) announced about adding a new feature to its cloud service “Sonaerun CSR+”.
While Sonaerun CSR+ is a free service which allows user-companies to efficiently manage emergency supplies for natural disasters, the newly added feature, which starts on June 1, will allow user-companies to make donations to the Children’s Future Fund.
The Children’s Future Fund was created by the Government of Japan to address such social policies as eliminating child poverty and investing in education.
The newly added feature in cloud service “Sonaerun CSR+” works as follows: when companies purchase supplies using the service, NTT-TX transfers 3 percent of transaction amount (excl. shipping fees) as a donation to the Children’s Future Fund.
The Fund then sends a letter of gratitude to user-companies accompanied by a report on the use of donated funds.
By offering this service, NTT-TX intends to help enterprises meet their SDGs.
Original Text: https://ampmedia.jp/2020/05/25/ntttecnolos/