*This is a machine-translated text of the original article.
ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co Ltd and Weathernews Inc announced that they would start collaborating with the aim of leveraging the strengths of the two companies, centered on weather, to provide fine-tuned health care to more people.

Changes in weather such as temperature and pressure are said to affect the behavior of all people, including headaches caused by seasonal changes, typhoons, and rains, and weather prediction checks are not necessary to deal with changes in physical condition.
Although the degree of impact varies from one individual to another, a survey by ROHTO Pharmaceutical found that approximately one in four people believed that weather and atmospheric pressure (∗) were the causes of their physical upset.
Climate change has also occurred at the global level, such as global warming in recent years, and both companies have come into this collaborative effort.
The three main areas of this collaboration are marketing activities based on data of each company, enhanced collaboration of healthcare information, and collaboration between YouTuber and Weatheroid in both companies.
More specifically, on March 2, Weathernews Inc launched “Weather Pain Forecast” in collaboration with the products of Roto Pharmaceuticals. In addition, ROHTO’s official Vtuber Nebasei Cocoro and Weathernews’ Weatheroid Airi combine the tags and provide information via YouTube.
(*) September 2018 survey by ROHTO; n=30 thousand for men and women in their 10s to 70s
Original Text: https://ampmedia.jp/2020/03/16/rohto-weather/