*This is a machine-translated text of the original article.

LegalTech Inc announced Tokkyo.Ai, an intra-company private-patent search that combines the use of intellectual property data with data security.

According to the company, the use of traditional patent searches posed a risk that competitors would be exposed to searches for future patents, such as sniffing.

Tokkuo Ai’s private patent search system holds a separate user area in which each company can store searches. Therefore, it is possible to prevent the sharing and outflow of search data, such as search history and keywords, which are important for intellectual property strategies, to the outside.

In addition, the company’s proprietary basic technology enables high-volume and large-capacity data processing at low cost.

Therefore, it is possible to provide search platforms by various fields in a private environment for each company.

Original Text: https://ampmedia.jp/2020/03/06/tokkyo-ai/