※This is a machine-translated text of the original article.
Mitsui Fudosan Co Ltd will expand and transfer the “MFLP ICT LABO” which was opened in September 2017, and open Mitsui Fudosan Logistics Park “MFLP ICT LABO 2.0” which has about ten times the area in MFLP Funabashi & GATE.

In the logistics ICT hands-on showrooms, “full automation distribution models” that do not involve any human hands are to be displayed from where truck containers are transported until they are loaded.
The WMS (warehouse management system) carries out inventory control, adjustment of processing capacity and start-up speed of each equipment, and all physical distribution business flows from incoming to shipment are automated.
In addition, the company offers about 30 leading-edge distribution ICT equipment from Japan and overseas, and it says that the company’s tenant companies and tenant-considering companies can actually experience the latest distribution ICT equipment.
In the logistics industry, where manpower shortages are a serious problem, the company has a policy of using “MFLP ICT LABO 2. 0” to provide automated and labor-saving solutions for in-warehouse logistics and to address the problem of tenant and tenant-considering enterprises.
Original Text: https://ampmedia.jp/2020/02/13/melp-ict-lab/