*This is a machine-translated text of the original article.

TRUSTDOCK announced in April that it would provide a full-digital identification method that uses smartphones to read IC chips on My Number cards for personal identification, using a eKYC identification application that supports crime collection.

The company develops e-KYC (Know Your Consumer) identification API services that provide identification through APIs in compliance with various laws and regulations, such as Worker Dispatch Law.

In this service, the user can confirm his/her identity in a few minutes by simply reading his/her My Number Card with a smartphone when he/she confirms his/her identity through various online services.

Personal certification in compliance with Article 6, para.1 “A” of the Crime Profit Transfer Prevention Law can be provided without the use of a person’s eyesight, even without the filming and submission of other certificates, such as licenses, or the taking and submission of photographs of faces.

The company has already developed an app for identity verification using My Number cards in a demonstration experiment for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ IoT service creation support project “Sharing Space in Municipality Using Digital Identification and Smart Lock.”

There is also a record of operation including the public and private sectors.

Original Text: https://ampmedia.jp/2020/01/28/trustdock-2/