Alexa’s new skill: make a voice purchase of ‘one-day car insurance’ by Tokio Marine

*This is a machine-translated text of the original article.

Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co Ltd announced that it will begin selling “One-day Car Insurance” which one can join via voice format using devices equipped with Alexa.

In 2012, the company developed and marketed an automobile insurance that can be subscribed only for the required number of days when needed. Since the company began selling the insurance, it has prepared a variety of subscriptions available on smartphones, on Web, and in convenience stores.

On the other hand, with advances in digital technology, people are purchasing goods in various ways, and it is anticipated that subscription methods for insurance will also become more diverse in the future.

Against this backdrop, the company says it has developed an environment in which one can subscribe to insurance by voice.

Compatible devices include speakers, various home appliances, and tablets, which are Alexa mounted devices such as Amazon Echo series. Through these efforts, the company has prepared Alexa skills to enable its users to subscribe to small insurance with voice.

As a condition of joining the one-day insurance by voice, the company requires customers to have a subscription history such as previous record of web or other form of buying car insurance.

This way, customers can subscribe for the first time on web and use voice-subscription next time.

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