How DNP’s edtech platform ‘Realtendant’ visualizes data for primary schools

*This is a machine-translated text of the original article.

Dai Nippon Printing Co Ltd (DNP) announced that it automatically compiled the scoring results of “assessment tests” which are routinely carried out in elementary schools in the learning support platform “DNP learning cloud Realtendant” by AI, and developed a model for accumulating and analyzing them as big data.

Realtendant is a platform service that analyzes accumulated study logs and provides various teaching materials and services based on the results.

By promoting open partnerships with companies and academia that provide teaching materials that teachers have used to date and EdTech teaching materials that propose new ways of learning, and with major educational ICT vendors, the company is strengthening its functions as platforms that support the realization of “learning using ICT” and “individually optimized learning”.

In February 2020, the company began demonstrative evaluations on the automated collection, accumulation, and utilization of study logs by elementary school evaluation tests in seven municipalities, including government-ordinance-designated cities and core cities.

The demonstration was conducted with the cooperation of five of the seven major companies issuing “evaluation tests,” such as Aoba Publishing Co Ltd, Kyoikudojinsha Co Ltd, and Nipponhyojun Co Ltd.

Teachers at demonstration schools said that the total and input time of tests had been reduced by up to 85%. In addition, schools have prepared medical records for each child by analyzing the accumulated data on a real-time basis to provide guidance for each and every child.

This company analyzes study logs processed by rear tent in view of the ICT-oriented educational environment accompanying the “GIGA School Concept” established in January 2020.

This platform will provide digital drills and educational materials for individual students to further evaluate the analytical functions developed this time, and will begin service in summer 2020.

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