Digital music: how Avex uses AI to create new voices

※This is a machine-translated text of the original article.

On February 4 2020, Avex Inc announced the establishment of a new subsidiary Coest Inc.

Source: Avex Inc

The company also concluded a shareholder agreement with Toshiba Digital Solutions Corp. (TDSL) and said it will receive investment through a third-party allotment.

Coest Inc is a new company that uses AI and voice synthesis technology to develop new services for celebrities.

Through this agreement, TDSL will transfer its voice-based coestation platform using voice-synthesizing technology to a new company, and will contribute to a new company in the middle of March 2020.

In addition to intellectual property, the new company aims to create and expand a new market for audio content by offering services that make use of all kinds of voice in Japan and overseas.

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